phoenix jailbreak restarts
phoenix jailbreak restarts


Phoenix could not be installed at this time!Install phoenix ...

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I have to re

2019年4月11日 — With untethered jailbreak restarting your device does not remove the jailbreak and is completely safe to reboot your device if needed.

Installing Phœnix

2023年11月14日 — Note that the Phœnix jailbreak is not “persistent” (meaning it does not remain installed after a reboot). You will need to re-run the exploit ...

Phoenix Jailbreak

Run the app and tap on Prepare For Jailbreak. Wait for it to respring, then launch Cydia from the Home Screen. Whenever you reboot, open the app again and tap ...

Phoenix Jailbreak Tutorial for iOS 9

Phoenix Jailbreak Tutorial for iOS 9 ... Tap the Prepare for Jailbreak button and Phoenix will go ahead and jailbreak your device. ... reboot your device, and the ...

[Help] Phoenix v2 won't jailbreak and Keeps Restarting my ...

2017年8月8日 — Hello guys,. As the title says, I'm not able to jailbreak my 4S (9.3.5), I restored my phone to stock 9.3.5, tried turning off Find my ...

[Question] Phoenix Jailbreak 9.3.5 Problem

2017年12月10日 — When I open the Phoenix app and kickstart the Jailbreak, it just reboots the device and it is in non-jailbreak mode.


2019年4月11日—Withuntetheredjailbreakrestartingyourdevicedoesnotremovethejailbreakandiscompletelysafetorebootyourdeviceifneeded.,2023年11月14日—NotethatthePhœnixjailbreakisnot“persistent”(meaningitdoesnotremaininstalledafterareboot).Youwillneedtore-runtheexploit ...,,RuntheappandtaponPrepareForJailbreak.Waitforittorespring,thenlaunchCydiafromtheHomeScreen.Wheneveryoureboot,opentheappagainandta...